A little before six o'clock, D'Artagnan and his three friends, followed by their four menservants, rode into the quiet enclosure behind the Luxembourg. The men were ordered to keep watch against interruption.
In a few minutes a coach drove up to the entrance. Lord Winter and three gentlemen descended and walked silently up to D'Artagnan and the three Musketeers. Then, in accordance with custom, introductions were made.
Lord Winter's companions were all of rank, and naturally the unusual names of their opponents were not only a matter of surprise, but of uneasiness.
"Even now," said Lord Winter, "we do not know who you are. We cannot fight against people with such names. Why, they are names of nobodies."
"Therefore, as you may suppose, they are merely assumed names," said Athos. That was perfectly true. Their real names were known to no one, not even to each other, except to M. de Tréville.
"That only gives us a greater desire to know the real ones," replied his lordship. "One gambles or plays cards with anyone, but one fights only with equals."
"That is so," said Athos. Then, taking aside the one with whom he was to fight, he told him his name in a whisper.
Porthos and Aramis did the same.
"Does that satisfy you?" said Athos to his opponent. "Do you find me of sufficient rank to do me the honour of crossing swords with me?"
"Yes," replied the gentleman, bowing.
"Well! Now let me tell you something else," added Athos coolly. "It would have been wiser of you not to have insisted upon knowing my name."
"Why so?"
"I am supposed to be dead, and I have reasons for not wishing anybody to know that I am living. Therefore I shall be obliged to kill you in order to keep my secret."
His opponent stared at him, believing that he joked. Athos was not joking; he never joked.
"Gentlemen," said Athos, after a moment, addressing his companions and their opponents, "are we all ready?"
"Yes!" came the reply from them all as with one voice.
"On guard then," cried Athos.
Immediately the blades of eight swords glittered in the rays of the evening sun.
Athos fenced as calmly and methodically as if he were practising in a fencing school.
Porthos, boasting less than usual, fought skilfully but cautiously.
Aramis, who had a third verse of his poem to finish, was clearly a man in a hurry.
Athos, however, was the first to overcome his opponent with a sword-thrust through the heart. He had kept his word. Porthos's opponent was next stretched out upon the grass with a wounded thigh. Porthos took him up in his arms and carried him to the waiting coach. Aramis attacked his opponent so fiercely that the man soon surrendered.
D'Artagnan, on the other hand, fought simply on the defensive until he saw Lord Winter tired out. Then, with a sudden twist of his blade, he sent his opponent's sword flying from his hand. His lordship made a hurried attempt to recover his sword, but his foot slipped and he fell on his back.
In an instant D'Artagnan was standing over him pointing his sword at his throat.
He had Lord Winter at his mercy, and so realized the first part of the plan he had previously thought out.
"I could kill you," said D'Artagnan, "but I spare your life for your sister's sake."
Lord Winter got slowly to his feet and then bowed in acknowledgment to D'Artagnan. Turning to the three Musketeers, he complimented them on their skill.
"My young friend," said Lord Winter to D'Artagnan, "if you will allow me to call you so, I would like you to meet my sister, Lady Winter, so that she may add her thanks to mine."
D'Artagnan blushed with pleasure and showed his agreement by bowing low.
Before leaving, Lord Winter gave D'Artagnan his sister's address—No. 6 Place Royale—a very fashionable quarter, and promised to call for him that evening to take him there. D'Artagnan appointed eight o'clock at Athos's rooms.
D'Artagnan went straight home and changed into his best uniform. He then hurried to Athos and told him of his plans with regard to Milady.
Athos listened and, shaking his head slowly, advised him to be very careful. D'Artagnan could not help detecting a note of sadness in his voice.
"But I have not fallen in love with Milady," said D'Artagnan. "My only object in getting introduced to her is to find out exactly what part she plays at court."
"Good heavens! That is not difficult to guess, after what you have told me. She and the man with the scar are without doubt two of the Cardinal's spies. Be careful or she will draw you into a snare from which you will not escape."
"My dear Athos, you always look on the dark side of things."
"I mistrust women, especially fair ones. How can I think otherwise! I bought my experience dearly. By the way, is Milady fair?"
"She is one of the most beautiful women I have ever set eyes on."
"Ah! My poor D'Artagnan."
"Listen, Athos. I only want to find out something and when I have done that, she will no longer interest me."
"Do as you like, my young friend, but be careful," said Athos sadly.